5 Important Phases for Obtaining a Pilot License

Obtaining a pilot license requires a significant amount of training, study, and experience. Aspiring pilots must complete several phases before earning a pilot license. Each step builds on the skills learned in the previous one and requires a certain number of flight hours, study time, and successful completion of assessments. Becoming a pilot is a challenging but rewarding journey that opens opportunities for adventure, travel, and professional growth.

1.   Ground Flying Training Training School

Suppose you are wondering how to get a pilots license, you can achieve your goal in a few steps, but it requires dedication. The first phase of pilot training typically involves attending a ground flying school, where students learn the theory and science of flight. That includes studying aerodynamics, aircraft systems, weather patterns, navigation, and regulations. In addition to classroom instruction, students may participate in simulator exercises and hands-on training to develop aircraft pilot skills.

During ground flying school training, aspiring pilots learn the fundamentals of flight, including the four forces of flight (lift, weight, thrust, and drag) and how to maintain aircraft control. They also learn about the various aircraft types, their characteristics, and how to perform pre-flight checks. Ground flying school is critical for building a solid foundation of knowledge and skills necessary for future phases of pilot training.

2.   Flight Training

The second phase of pilot training involves flight training, where students begin to practice their knowledge and skills. Flight training typically takes place in a small, single-engine aircraft and includes learning basic flight maneuvers, takeoff and landing procedures, and emergency procedures. During this phase, students also learn to communicate with air traffic control and navigate using visual references and instruments.

Flight training involves significant hands-on experience, with students logging a minimum number of flight hours to meet FAA requirements. Flight instructors provide guidance and feedback to help students develop their skills and confidence. As students progress through flight training, they gradually take on more responsibility for operating the aircraft, eventually leading to solo and cross-country flights. Flight training is an exciting and challenging phase of pilot training, allowing students to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting.

3.   Pass a Written FAA Exam

In addition to completing ground flying school and flight training, aspiring pilots must also pass a written test administered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA written test covers many topics, including regulations, airspace, weather, navigation, and aircraft systems. The test consists of multiple-choice questions and must pass with a score of at least 70%.

Preparing for the FAA written test requires significant study and review. Many flight schools offer ground school courses and study materials to help students prepare. Additionally, there are a variety of online resources and study guides available. Passing the FAA written test is an essential milestone in the pilot training process, demonstrating an understanding of the rules and regulations governing flight.

4.   Pass an Oral Board Exam

After passing the written FAA test, aspiring pilots must also pass an oral board exam. An FAA-designated examiner conducts the oral exam and intends to test the student’s knowledge and understanding of aviation theory, regulations, procedures, and decision-making skills. The examiner will ask questions, and the student must provide accurate and thorough answers. Preparing for the oral board exam involves studying and practical experience.

Students should review the topics covered in the FAA written test and practice applying that knowledge in real-world scenarios. The final step is passing the oral board exam before taking the FAA practical exam. The oral board exam is essential in pilot training, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of aviation theory and readiness to move on to the final training phase.

5.   Practical Flight Test

The practical flight test, or the check-ride, is the final phase of obtaining a pilot license. An FAA-designated examiner conducts the practical examination, which involves demonstrating flying skills and decision-making abilities in a simulated flight environment. The examiner evaluates the student’s ability to safely and competently operate the aircraft and follows a set of guidelines established by the FAA.

During the practical flight test, the student must demonstrate proficiency in various maneuvers, including takeoff and landing, navigation, emergency procedures, and instrument flying. The examiner will also assess the student pilot’s knowledge of aviation theory, regulations, and procedures. Passing the practical flight test is a significant accomplishment, demonstrating a high skill, knowledge, and readiness to become a licensed pilot.


Obtaining a pilot license is a challenging and rewarding process that involves several essential phases, including ground flying school, flight training, passing the written FAA test, passing the oral board exam, and completing the practical flight test. Each phase requires a significant amount of time, effort, and dedication before obtaining a license to operate an aircraft and the opportunity to explore the skies. Becoming a licensed pilot is an accomplishment and opens up exciting possibilities. However, selecting a reputable flight school is a critical step in the pilot training process.

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